CDT Day 82 (8/8/23)

Miles 1973.7 (Red line 2236.4)- 1994.7 (Red line 2257.4) (21 miles)


Today was a great day. Yesterday’s mistake of a pizza turned into today’s empowering and filling breakfast and lunch. When I awoke this morning I left a HUGE dump. I’d felt so unwell last night but didn’t have to go to the bathroom. This morning was a total game changer. I pooped and showered, ate two incredible peaches and was ready for the day.

Hanging out with Forest, TRex, and Ritz for breakfast was such good fun. Ritz is awesome at telling stories. TRex and Ritz seem to walk every summer. I hope to see them again. Ritz made a huge difference today. He gave me an extra pair of darn toughs he’d mailed himself. They’re so clean and soft. His own socks are still fairing well so he’s ok. I gave TRex a 20. Ritz wouldn’t accept it. I HAVE CLEAN SOCKS WITH NO HOLES.

The walking out of Bannock pass is so mellow and scenic. This is already battling to be a favorite section. It’s largely walking on the divide road. So there’s a good tread and great views but generally steady but efficient incline/decline. I got out at 12:30 and walked 21 miles. Right to a scenic spot where I can overlook the sunset. I’ll do that now I think. Oh, and I have yummy food this section.

Post Note

Seeing Forest was incredible. I met forest, the thrulistner, on the PCT in 2021. He was walking with Scrambles, Casual, and Crockpot. In the same way I saw Forest again on the CDT, I have full confidence I will see Ritz and TRex again on another trail. If you go and do what your heroes do, you’ll eventually meet them.

I remember an evening of just exquisite joy on the PCT. L and I were walking together and had caught Forest and his group. I’d been speeding to catch up to L. L had been leapfrogging around Forest and his crew for quite a number of miles. So, there just north of Cascade Locks, I got to witness and enjoy L with all her friends. Bantering and chatting and telling stories and being human. It was really beautiful. I have a sort of selfie from that day. It’s over my shoulder so you only see a portion of my face. I’m smiling big. Then there’s L with her beautiful silver sheened hair spreading out from her shoulders as she’s caught mid twist of the head. She’s looking back and smiling, as if about to say something. And then there’s Forest behind her with huge red beard, amused smile, and the most honest eyes a human being could ever hope to carry. We’re all so beautiful.

Forest had seen the joy that was the foundation of the relationship. The simple friendship. The unanxious sharing of each other’s presence. The joy at seeing the other companion with a third. The congruency of walking together, hand in hand, rather than the struggle to reach across a gap of two different lives with two different worlds. So it was a meaningful conversation, then, to talk with Forest about how it had all turned wrong. I had to find new ways of describing the story. A telling of the story which would respect the beautiful person and incredible life that L had lived. I couldn’t put her on blast like I would in my most angry moments. The moments with people I knew most intimately or who would never see or hear of either of us again. A story which was respectful to the fact that Forest knows both of us, and knows our mutual hiking friends, and has his own love to hold for L. It was another moment when it had to become simple. - It didn’t work out. I am devastated. She is incredible. It probably wasn’t right anyways. She hurt me so so deeply. I guess I hurt her too. I am so sorry. -

Forest isn’t the kind of human to text back; ever. Which I think is incredible. It actually reminds me of Jesus. You’re always calling. He’s never texting back. I guess we got left with what’s called the Holy Ghost (get it?) for a reason (See this is why no one hires me as a pastor. I have what most people think is ugly theology and have horrible jokes). But, it really does suck that Jesus leaves you on read. And then you stand in the presence of this individual, for just a moment, and you realize that it’s totally ok they don’t text you back because you’re witnessing that wherever they are they are so fully and incredibly there. And for just that moment they’re there with you. And then life moves on. And you’re happy to share.

Forest was moving really slowly. He had a lot of foot pain. I’ve texted him twice(?) asking about how his trip ended up. No response. I’ll text him a third time now. Forest makes wine. He is a cellar MASTER! I think that’s so cool. Just the simple creation. Something which feeds and nourishes life. Something which has the expectation that you use it responsibly. Forest is cool. Connected. That’s my perception anyways. I want to be like how I perceive Forest to be. I’m always so up here running around at 3,000mph in my brain and he’s just there in a cellar with his beard crafting liquid joy.

Andrew Goorhuis

Hi! With this Squarespace account I manage my personal website and blog; a website about my experiences traveling and related social commentary. I hope you check it out and enjoy.

CDT Day 83 (8/9/23)


CDT Day 81 (8/7/23)