CDT Day 66 (7/23/23)

Miles 1616 (Red line 1834.8)- 1651.1 (Blue line 2.4) (35.1 miles)


I’m breaking two of the laws of camping while in Bear country. I’m camped not far from water, and I’m camped not far from trail. A storm has blown in as well, which I am willingly embracing the fullness of. Quick side note, my hands still smell like fruit loops. :) And guacamole! At the same time! I’m hungry…

Anyways, while the storm blows it keeps down the mosquitoes. There’s a dense forest beside me in which I could take shelter. But within that shelter are many mosquitoes. So, here I am under my tarp in the wind and the rain and the water and the trail.

Some flip-flopped SOBOs just walked through! Spot and Ziplock. :) They were awesome! And they said a lady just got mauled and killed by a Grizzly just inside Idaho by Raynolds Pass. Huh…

Also the wind stopped and now the mosquitoes are out… Damnit! I really hope I can sleep tonight. I’d take death by Grizzly over death by mosquito.

I can’t really write anymore because now the mosquitoes are out. But this morning I saw five moose (three bull) all at once! They were in the meadow below Gunsight Pass. One was standing in the trail, but he eventually ran off. Over to his GF up the hill.

I also hung out with a section hiker named Oculist today. He was very fun and enjoyable to talk to. A native from the Tahoe area.

I’m hungry… But all my food is meh. I’m going into town tomorrow and I’m going to destroy some food at the Cowboy Cafe and then eat a pizza! I am very excited. Huevos rancheros please! Double order with fruit sides if possible. And maybe I’ll order something else afterwards as well…

Damn these mosquitoes! Bring the storm back!

Post Note

With the ascent up Gunsight Pass I’d excited the Winds and entered what I’d consider to be the Yellowstone ecosystem. This was also the day where I picked up a portion of the CDT I’d hiked before. I can remember walking through the woods right after trail intersected the road I’d taken from Pinedale up and around the Winds back to the CDT. I’d camped somewhere in these woods the year before, amidst snow drifts and closely set pines. I couldn’t figure it out and soon the space was gone.

I liked this section of trail. You can take the teal(?) alternate to get up high on a bald (cleared of trees for ranching) from which you have 360 degree views. You can see the Tetons to your left. The Winds from whence you’ve come. The rock walls by the Brooks Lake Lodge ahead of you. And out towards the plains to your east. I’d walked here a year ago as well and remember texting my 2022 CDT friends in our group chat about how blown away I was. Those were my first big views in a long time back in 2022. After walking Colorado, where my 2022 CDT friends were at the time of my text, I can now understand why they didn’t seem so impressed. Still, I’d trade a lot to change this laptop and desk out for those “lesser” views. Maybe next summer…

Andrew Goorhuis

Hi! With this Squarespace account I manage my personal website and blog; a website about my experiences traveling and related social commentary. I hope you check it out and enjoy.

CDT Day 67 (7/24/23)


CDT Day 65 (7/22/23)